Saturday, 1 October 2011

Hair loss in women

What are the causes of hair loss in women?

If you have started to notice that your hair has begun failing out it can be a very scary thing to deal with. Of course you want to find a way to cure yourself, and also use vitamins for hair loss in women. A lot of time hair loss in women is caused by a thyroid problem. It can also be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome which will cause a women's hair to fall out at an exaggerated rate. However, don't be too scared because most causes of hair loss in women can be cured. Before I talk about the cures, I want to delve more into the causes.

Hair loss in women with thyroid problems and alopecia

If you are experiencing baldness because of thyroid problems then you can lose up to half of your hair on your head. You will not go completely bald, but you could experience a drastic difference. If you use a T4/T3 medicine then you should be able to regrow about 85% of your lost hair. Please note that this is especially for hair loss in women with thyroid problems and not the cure for hair loss in women.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This is an endocrine disorder that affects 5-10% of women worldwide. Some of the other symptoms are irregular periods and baldness. Women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome are between the ages of 12 to 45 and are of reproductive age.

Telogen Effluvium

It's normal for your head to lose about 100 hairs every day. Telogen is the resting period when the hair stops growing and gets ready to die and fall out. However, if you have a shock to your system then you can lose about 70% of your hair about 2 months after the incident occurs. This can be super worrisome for some people, but rest assured that it is not a disease, and your hair will grow back soon enough. Just remember that it is a natural process, and if it doesn't grow out fast enough then you should see your doctor and get professional help.


Minoxidil is another name for Rogaine. This is a drug that helps to slow or stop your hair from falling out and make it grow back again. It can be especially effective for hair loss in women, and there is a special women's version of the product on the market. Minoxidil was first developed to help high blood pressure. Imagine their surprise when they started growing their hair back and lowering blood pressure at the same time. Side effects of Minoxidil can be weight gain, itchiness, and a rash in the area where applied. When using Minoxidil to help baldness in women, you should leave the Minoxidil in your hair for about 4 hours. It is an alcohol-based liquid, so it will wash out very easily, but it works better if you keep it in your hair.

Vitamins for hair loss in women

It's not uncommon for a woman to have a vitamin B12 deficiency when she is being diagnosed. This is due to the fact that of not eating enough eggs, milk, and poultry. If a women can include more of these foods in her diet it can have a huge impact on her general health and baldness. Plus, all women should be taking Omega 3 fish oils 3 times day. This can make your hair super strong and give it the strengh not to fall out. Eating more of these will help you when dealing with hair loss in women

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